THE WEEKLY: april 29th - may 5th.

  S N A P S H O T S  

-  celebratory latte
-  current read
-  bubbles
-  storming

   M O M E N T S  +  H A P P E N I N G S   

- we officially closed on our home! last summer, we renovated 95% of this house. it was a huge project, but so worth every bit of blood, sweat, & tears.

-  i accepted a new position at work. i'm still in the accounting department, but my job duties have changed.

-  my family came up from oklahoma for a quick visit on saturday. jackson loves his nana!

- finally started reading station eleven. i was on the wait list at the library for months.

   L E S S O N S  +  R E A L I Z A T I O N S   

-   i have a tendency to hold people at arm's length for fear that they will find out that i'm not perfect. it's almost laughable to me as i read those words, but after a lengthy conversation with jared, it all makes sense. since my last miscarriage, i have had a major awakening- in my self-awareness, my marriage, my outlook, my mothering, basically my whole life. it's wild + humbling + overwhelming.


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