celebrate one year of marriage. oh mylanta, y'all. i can hardly believe it! one year of being married to my best friend. one year of adventures + laughs + learning + lots of coffee.
visit botanica. jared got me a one year pass for valentine's day. his reason? "so i can give you flowers all year." HE GETS ME. i have a feeling this goal will be accomplished multiple times! oh, spring - be still, my soul.
research + prepare the garden. one of my bigger goals for this year to plant and maintain a garden. this month is the best month to start prepping the area we will use to plant and cultivate delicious vegetable and beautiful summer blooms. if anyone has any tips, websites, books, etc. to check out - help a sista out!
read one book. i have a busy month, so one book is probably all i will have time for.
powersheets for march. my goal for this month's powersheets is to look at them twice a week to get a refresh. i tend to be lazy during the week, and then i try to cram everything on the weekends.