T W E N T Y - T H R E E // tidbits of life.

when i saw today's blogtember prompt, i laughed because i live in a small town. what am i going to write about - the super walmart they built several years ago that never has anything i need or the fast food restaurants where i never eat? negative, ghost rider. instead of using today's blogtember topic, i am sharing a few tidbits of life lately.

hello, september. well now it's more like goodbye, september. HAPPY FIRST DAY OF FALL!

morning glories. one of the many joys of this time of year.

stationery & washi tape. after weeks of putting it off, i finally sat down and wrote my pen pals.

sunday school. i now teach the high school class on sunday mornings.

journals. lots of inspiration lately.

tiny little flower. the other flowers had withered except this one.

chai latte. my favorite!

purple mums. the prettiest fall blooms.

chat books. i mentioned these in my vlog last week. i like having a tangible copy of my instagrams.


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