-  iced chai lattes with cinnamon syrup + sweet cream cold foam.
-  ramen noodles with avocado + parmesan cheese.

-  jalaleno + lime ruffles. (SO GOOD!) 
-  mega stuffed oreos.     

listened to:
-  the verity podcast on women's issues.  

-  "stop calling me beautiful" - phylicia masonheimer
-  "bittersweet" by shauna niequist 
-  "the hunting party" by lucy foley
-  "majesty" by katharine mcgee
-  "finding freedom" by omid scobie + carolyn durand
-  season 13 of criminal minds.
-  hidden figures (5 stars)
-  the silencing (3 stars)
-  underwater (4 stars)
-  the new mutants (1.5 stars, don't waste your time) 

making me happy:  scrabble dates with jared • my bullet journal • plant shopping • evening walks in our neighborhood • rainy saturday mornings • sushi • bare branches + winter sunsets •  saturday morning coffee dates at a cool coffee shop in downtown ICT • good audiobook narrators • quiet mornings before the day starts       

  H A P P E N I N G S  

-  we welcomed the new year with a winter wonderland.

-  i joined the exhale community. jared has been pushing me to focus on my creativity. i'm thankful because i often put it on the back burner. i am working my way through the resources + love it.

-  i started the habit of taking walks in our neighborhood at least 4-5 times a week. yes, even in the winter. 

-  i worked from home a couple days this month when jackson was sick. it's so nice to have this option instead of burning all of my PTO. 

-  we registered jackson for pre-k! it is crazy. my phone has been showing me past photos + they're all of beebee jack. how is he old enough for pre-k now?! time, slow down.

-  one saturday morning, we woke up + headed downtown to a local coffee shop. it was such a fun morning. the rain fell down softly + we shared lemon poppyseed muffins + homemade yogurt. i sipped a latte named "dolly parton" + it was delicious. 

  R E A L I Z A T I O N S  

-  i do not care for the winter months. i wish them away with each cold front + icy commute to work. instead of simply enduring january + february + march, i want to enjoy them. again- nothing grandiose. just simple pleasures: practice hygge. work puzzles. enjoy a homemade chai latte. read with jackson. go on a walk in the neighborhood when the weather is decent. declutter our home. journal. family movie night. 

-  i listened to the breastfeeding episode of the verity podcast. i sat at my desk, tears threatening to spill over as phylicia spoke Truth over the parts of motherhood that have been so hard for me: birth. phylicia could have come at that episode with shame-induced quips about how she has had three home births, but the grace she shows to all moms who give birth made me weep. it has been no secret how much i struggled with a failed birth plan, but the redemption that has followed has increased my faith.

-  invite Him into the everyday parts of my life. i can still give Him glory when folding the laundry.  

-  i want nothing outside of His will for my life, even when it looks differently than i had anticipated.

-  "if He can use me, He can use anything." 

-  i took a week off social media. real talk: i struggle with taking breaks because i love social media. but that's why i need to take breaks: because when i'm not holding my phone, i gain clarity on certain things. it forces me to look at where + how i spend my time. we were not meant to know everyone's opinions on every little thing. this break was so beneficial. i realized i need to put time limits on instagram (my most used app, for sure!). when i'm 80, what am i going to remember about my life? that i was glued to my phone? gosh, no. 


-  go outside the norm. think of the alternative. reject "the way it's always been" mentality.

-  rest is essential + biblical.  


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