T W E N T Y - F I V E // weekly musings.

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i do not have a guest post for today. whoops. instead i will share some weekly musings

- "autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower." albert camus.

- sometimes i have to make a to-do list of other to-do lists.

- keeping a prayer journal has been an important step in my walk with Christ.

- i always love the transition from one season to another. the newness, the possibilities, nature's changes - it's delightful.

- i am so excited for look at the book with john piper!

- how is september almost over?! it baffling to me. but that means october is coming. hallelujah.

- this autumn harvest candle smells amazing.

- i am so glad to be among the living today. i either had a virus or the flu yesterday, and i was beyond miserable.

- red band society is one of my new favorite shows. and i'm so excited for the return of brooklyn nine-nine!

- an unforeseen circumstance has pushed the blog rebrand unveiling to early december. i'm bummed, but it's all good.

- the last several days have been a struggle. feelings of loneliness and heartache and anger coupled with sickness have left me broken. but God met me right there in my mess. i wept at His feet & poured out my heart. today is a new day, and i am thankful for His fresh mercies.


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